Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ADO.NET programming against Windows SQL CE 3.5 part-VI

In this Part-VI blog  series we are going to use ADO.NET to program against SQL CE.  SQL CE Database is a file based DB not like  Desktop MS-SQL server (Windows Service),so to access DB File In windows mobile there is no such thing as a current directory (like C:\). for example If your app folder is Program Files\SreeniMobileApps, I'd expect  my contact Database is located  @ "Data Source=Program Files\SreeniMobileApps\Contacts.sdf".

To get Database file path use the following code snippet

private static stringInitializeConnectionString()
           string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
           return "Data Source=" + Path.Combine(appPath, "Contacts.sdf") + " ;pwd=;";

Now let’s connect Contacts DB and query  via ADO.NET API.  (Note: The contacts  Database we were created  in part-V ).

I have Menu option 5 as view Contact in my mobile application when user selects that options it will shows all the contacts in DataGrid.


Here is code snippet which connect to Contacts DB and Query the Contact Table .

private void ViewContact_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           string selectQuery = "Select * from Contact";
           using (SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(InitializeConnectionString()))
                   SqlCeDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter(selectQuery, conn);

                   DataTable dataTble = new DataTable("ContactData");
                   dataGrid1.DataSource = dataTble;
               catch (SqlCeException ex)






1 comment:

Franzie said...

i like the background picture on the address book's screenshot. May I please you to send it to me? my addess is ebuzatti@gmail.com
Thanx in advance